Friday, October 29, 2021

Best AOS Conversion Bits in the new Adepta Sororitas Novitiates Kill Team

The new Kill Team box, Chanath, is almost here and it comes with a Tau team and a Adeptus Sororitas team. There is a decent amount of noise in the Age of Sigmar world on how these models are great conversion fodder for the old Sisters of Sigmar warband for Mordheim. 

Looking at the old Sister's models, its clear where the similarities (and easy conversions) lie.  Add some hammers, or even just get ride of the guns and you are basically there with these new models. I mean, the old models even have some whips like the new models. If you are looking for some more weapon swaps, either Stormcast weapons (maybe too big) or Flagellant kit weapons (the flails and maces in particular) would be good fits.  

While the new models are great, it wouldn't be super easy to convert them into some in AOS beyond Sisters of Sigmar or something related to Order of Azyr. The head coverings with the circlets combined with the head coverings draping down onto the torso means a head swap doesn't fit  unless you figure out a way to deal with the cowl on the torso. 

So this means it is kind of limited use for AOS, right?

Well not entirely! There are at least 3 GREAT bits for AOS conversions, and then 3 more that would be pretty useful.

1. I think the scroll would be a great bit for any sort of Sigmar loyal faction, either a wizard, champion, warrior priest, flagellant, witch hunter, etc. It even has a purity seal which could be used as a prayer to Sigmar.

2. This goblet is good! Again, a perfect fit for any Sigmar loyal unit or hero, could be used as a relic or a stand in for a standard bearer flag. 

3.The mace may be the best bit of the kit, would be a great unit champion weapon or hero weapon for anything Freeguild.

Personally, I'd use these bits to give some unique weapons and items to some Stormcast squires (or any sort of human that is from Azyr and focused on helping arm Stormcast, run logistics and support for Stormcast, etc.  The recent art put up on WarCom shows (I think) some Stormcast human retainers that these bits could go towards. 

Beyond the bits above, the ones in blue below could also be used by Freeguild units or characters. Need a couple of whips for a gryph hound master? Check! Need some dynamic 1 armed swords? Check! There are 10 of those swords in the kit, so you could use them to turn the Bogenhafen Barons Blood Bowl team into some blue blood Azyrite sword troops.

To wrap up, I think this new Kill Team box offers some decent conversion potential for AOS. If you just get the Adeptus Sororitas sprues and want to build some Sisters of Sigmar, I give it 10 out of 10 thunderbolts. If you don't want to build Sisters of Sigmar, I'd give the command sprue 6/10 thunderbolts (the command upgrade sprue has all the green bits on it) and the other sprues 3/10 thunderbolts.  

Thursday, October 28, 2021

Red Harvest, what about Realm Harvest?

It seems like the next Warcry box is going to continue being underground or at least in some sort of chaosy center of industry.

That combined with the Necromunda oil pump terrain piece led me down a rabbit hole of chaos smiths/miners? It didn’t help that over at the Mortal Realms discord we have been scrying various chaos dwarf related things, further pushing me in this direction. 

So, if I’m going to make some sort of Chaos smiths with dwarves thrown in, where do we start?

Well the Necromunda oil rig as the basis for a terrain piece of course!

Slap it on top of the Shrine Luminor where the temple currently sits and all of a sudden we have some demonic thing pumping out realm essence or molten metal. 

Take the Iron Golems Chaos dwarf figure and you’ve got a great Chaos Smith to go along with the terrain centerpiece.

Since we have used the Iron Golem dwarf, we might as well use the rest of them, maybe some weapon swaps for some axes or something different but they look pretty chaos smithy as is.

We might need some bigger beefier bodyguards for our chaos dwarf smith so why not take the Golaith Stimmers, put some ogre heads on them and give them some ogre weapons to reflect the crude industrial vibe we are going for?

As this is Chaos an they are digging down in the earth, they are probably going to find some weird beasties and modify them or have some weird beasties in their ranks already.

Let’s start what a shaggoth, that thing is proper chaosy, and with a conversion just screams chaos mine/smith/down in the earth to me. There are a lot of kitbashes knocking around the web for this one but I think a magmadroth and mancrusher gargant slammed together are a great idea. Turns out TJ Atwell over on Bloods of Kittens has already done this. I’d straight up copy this great conversion.

With a Shaggoth we need some regular dragon ogres to back him up. I’m not sure if there is a great fit for this one. Really shines a light on the need for some monstrous cav sized magmadroths for the Fyreslayers! I’d probably go with Dracolines and then Irongut torsos, heads, and weapons for this unit.

While we are on big models, why not add some giants? No not Mega-gargants! But what about some Mancrusher gargants that have been given some augmented weapons by the Chaos smiths in place of their hands? Thanquol weapon bits should do the trick here. 

Let’s wrap this thing up with another infantry unit. WIth a dwarf smith we need some regular dwarf infantry as well. The community has this one covered as well. Captain of Blood over on Twitter has some great test models for some chaos dwarfs using Hammerer’s bodies, chaos (marauder horsemen?) helmets and Tzeentch weapons and shields. Perfect! Or, iron golem weapons could be used instead.

March of the Red Comet (Cites of Sigmar Path to Glory, a narrative report)

Narrative Battle Recap Fredrik Thunderblown surveyed the battlefield, dozens of men from the March of the Red Comet lay groaning in agony am...