Monday, January 31, 2022

Rejected Black Library Submission

I submitted a Black Library submission as an exercise in creative writing. I didn't expect to get selected and I wasn't (got the notification today). But that's OK, it lets me share my submission. These days most of my writing is business case based, which is a way different than creative fiction. Below is the newest draft of my submission I could find. I believe they wanted a summary or short brief and then a sample of actual writing. Feel free to give any feedback you may have. Oh, and if you enjoy it and want to know more about Slivers, you can find my World Anvil site here, where I've built my own little corner of Chamon


In the eyes of a Stormcast, the city of Slivers is relatively young, the result of a successful Dawnbringers Crusade a generation ago. To those who arrived as part of the crusade, the place feels old to them, they have seen a lot of change. Over time, a number of Great Houses have come to control the city, some gain their influence through commerce, others through industry, and many with a sliver of darkness. 

New arrivals see a place of opportunity. But it is also a place of danger, some outside of the walls but also along the city streets. Will Marus, a recently arrived laborer successfully navigate these streets or fall victim to one of the many dangers in and around Slivers?

Marus is a recent arrival to Slivers, a city in Chamon, the result of a successful Dawnbringer Crusade a generation ago. The Great Houses that control Slivers are always looking for new arrivals, like Marus, to staff their forges, mines, and other pieces of industry. But, not all is as it seems, rumors of unnatural darkness and death hidden behind the doors of the Great Houses are often whispered among the common folk.

Can Marus successfully navigate the secrets of Slivers or will he become just another cog in the machines of the Great Houses?"


The pounding of the cog drills receded as Marus guided the cart out of the depths of the mine and towards the surface of Chamon. The city of Slivers had an expansive network of mineral mines outside its walls, for if there was one thing Chamon had in spades, it was precious metals. 

Reaching the surface, Marus paused to take in a breath of clean air. Down in the mines, every breath resulted in a mouth full of dust leaving a metallic tang on your mouth that somehow made it hard to breath and made you cold at the same time. Moving past the clanking piston powered pulley system that brought the valued metals to the surface, Marus guided his cart full of slag and brittle metal, the things the forges of Slivers had no need for, into line with the others to wait his turn to empty his cart’s contents into the debris sorter, a duradin amalgamation of  gears, screens, cogs, and steam powered conveyor belts that ensured even the smallest speck of valuable material was processed, 

Securing his cart on the dumping platform, Marus noticed three figures clad in green uniforms and dark aprons unloading barrels from a steam powered cog walker and stacking them off to one side. 

“Who are they?” Marus asked the operator of the debris sorter, a wiry white haired man, his face lined and dark from the sun, as he tipped his cart onto the sorter. 

“Whats that?” the other grunted?

“Those men, I’ve never seen them before. Who are they? They aren’t caked in dust like the rest of us working here”

“Oh, them. They are Tallow Men” the operator said as he spit to the side.

“What are they doing here?” Marus asked as the operator pulled a lever and his cart was rotated, spilling its contents onto a shaking metal screen. 

“Boy, don’t you know nothing?!? The House of Turn n’ Tallow supplies the grease that keeps all these cogs and gears turning. Especially here in the mines, you need a lot to keep the machines going, on account of all the dust.”

“Call them proper! 

A shadow fell over Marus as an overseer approached. He was big enough that Marus thought he must have Ogor in him somewhere.

 “House Turn is who they work for, and don't you forget it, without them you wouldn’t be pushing that cart! Now get your cart moving you’re backing up the line!”

“House Turn? Why would the old man call them Turn N’ Tallow?” Marus muttered to himself as he struggled to turn his cart around in the tight space, the other laborers grumbling at him as he bumped into their carts

The machine operator turned back to the controls, fingering an old coin hung from his neck. He felt that he’d see that young laborer again, maybe he could get a pint of cherry spark ale out of him when he did, the operator thought.

Friday, January 28, 2022

Totally Missing the LVO Battle Box

 I'm not sure anybody saw it coming. ANOTHER battle box for Age of Sigmar. Announced 1 month and 3 days after the last battle box was announced. I had seen the teaser video of the new Nighthaunt model and for sure though it would have been a model + a new battletome like the Nurgle release.

In fact, I thought we might get 3 battletomes announced at LVO. BOY, was I wrong. 

Instead, we got a battle box. 

Turns out, there were two rumor engine pictures related to this. Warboss Kurgan has the goods here.

With this new announcement and the Fury of the Deep battle box, we can add some data to our spreadsheet.

The yellow books are estimates due to lacking some details. For example, Fury of the Deep, we do not know the retail price of the heroes so the army price out of box and savings numbers are still estimates. 

A couple of interesting notes about the new announcement. 

1. It is really fast after the last one.  The last time we had battle boxes this close together was Feast of Bones (11/19) and then Aether War (1/20). Almost two years ago. 

2. This is the first time in two years we have gotten a new unit in a battle box. Wrath and Rapture had new chaos demon models while Feast of Bones was the first chance to get your hands on OBR.

3. Model count is going up and price is staying flat or going down. There is also a trend to more infantry and fewer big models. 

Lastly, I think we can put some guidelines out for predicting new un-expected battle boxes. 

1. Are shipping issues still a thing? If yes, they will probably continue to put out battle boxes to try and give us some sort of AOS release. There are lots of rumors of paper related issues as a reason why we aren't getting battle tomes, so instead they fill the gap with battle boxes.

2. Are there rumor engine pictures of factions that have an underworlds warband and aren't a chaos faction? If they have a underworlds warband, the rumor engine probably isn't for that game. If it isn't chaos, it probably isn't a Warcry warband at this point.

3.Has there been a single hero model previewed or teased? It is probably coming in a battle box and not with a battle tome at this point. Nurgle would be the counter argument but Nighthaunt, Fyreslayers, and IDK support this. 

Finally, I'd expect this battle box to go up for preorder within 3 weeks, maybe as early as this Sunday. 

March of the Red Comet (Cites of Sigmar Path to Glory, a narrative report)

Narrative Battle Recap Fredrik Thunderblown surveyed the battlefield, dozens of men from the March of the Red Comet lay groaning in agony am...