Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Xintil War Magi Path to Glory

 I was looking at the Settler Gain Battle Traits today and realized the Aelven Training trait allows Collegiate Arcane units to not take battleshock. Now, all Collegiate Arcane units are just 1 model, so what is going on?

In all likelihood it is a hold over from 2nd edition Age of Sigmar, when the Broken Realm:Teclis book came out.

However, this got me to thinking about what would make Settler's Gain better. After all, we got this wonderful box during the Broken Realms but Arcobalde Lazerne never really got it moment in the sun. 

If you are unfamiliar with the box, it came with 2 Celestial Hurricanum/Luminark of Hysh kits, you can see these in the second image. Perhaps the best part of this kit is that it coming with 3 miniatures, officially 1 wizard and 2 acolytes. 

I feel like these miniatures never really get fully used even though they are full of character. 

So, I decided to try and make an interesting Path to Glory supplement for Settler's Gain that would focus on the Luminark of Hysh, magic, magically enhancements, AND give a new unit that could utilize those acolytes miniatures. Read on below to see what I came up with. 

Xintil War Magi Path to Glory

If your army is a Cities of Sigmar army with the Settler’s Gain cities keyword you can use the following rules for a Path to Glory Campaign. 

Xintil War Magi Quests

If your army is a Cities of Sigmar army with the Settler’s Gain keyword you can pick one for the following quests for your path to Glory roster. 

Caravan of Knowledge

Pick 1 Luminark of Hysh with White Battlemage hero.

At the end of the battle you complete this quest if this hero claimed an objective during the battle.

When you complete this quest, this hero gains the following command ability on it’s warscroll: Luminark of Hysh units within 18 inches of this hero may reroll the Searing Beam of Light roll. In addition Luminark of Hysh units may be included as Battleline (and reinforced) in this army as long as this hero is the General. Finally, if a Luminark of Hysh unit is reinforced, it gains the following ability.

Aetherquartz Focal Array: When rolling a dice to determine how many mortal wounds a unit hit by the Searing Beam of Light or the Fractured Beam of Light suffers, adding 1 to the result for each additional model in the unit. (I.E. an attack from a model in a unit of 2 would deal D3+1 wounds, if the unit size was 3 it would be D3+2).

Aetherquartz Channeling

Pick 1 Luminark of Hysh with White Battlemage hero.

At the end of the battle you complete this quest if you inflicted more than 6 wounds with the Searing Beam of Light weapon.

When you complete this quest, the hero gains the following command trait. Units wholly within 18 inches of this model gain +1 to casting and dispelling roles

Veteran Abilities

Each time a Cities of Sigmar unit on your Path to Glory rosters gains a veteran ability, you can pick 1 of the veteran abilities from the list below instead of the table found in the Core Book.

Duradin Forged Strings: This artillery equipment has been improved with Duradin made ballista strings. 

Aelf Artillery units only. Once per battle add 1 to the damage characteristic of this unit's shooting attack. Declare this ability before any dice for the attack are rolled.

Aetherquartz Winds: Time in the schools of magic in Hysh have attuned the acolytes of this war wagon to the Winds of Magic.

Luminark of Hysh, non hero unit only. Once per battle ,after this unit has made a successful charge roll, it may use this ability. Deal D3 mortal wounds to the unit successfully charged.

Hyshian Adepts: From their time among the aelves of Hysh, this unit has gained magical prowess and started to learn a few simple spells resulting in magical bolts shooting into nearby enemies.

Freeguild infantry units only (unmounted) Once per game, this unit can use this ability. During the shooting phase, pick 1 enemy unit within 9 inches of this unit. Deal D3 mortal wounds, if this unit is wholly within 6 inches of a friendly wizard unit, it deals D6 wounds instead.

Sunmetal Weapons: These entrepreneurial freeguilders have used their time among the Lumineth well, adding sunmetal to weapons and ammo. 

Freeguild units only. Once per game, this unit may use this ability before the shooting or combat phase. Add 1 to the rend characteristic of this unit's weapons this turn.

Xintil War Magi Territories

When Making an exploration roll, if the roll is 61-66 that roll will correspond to a territory on the list below. Alternatively, you can pick 1 result from the territories table in the Core Book that corresponds to a roll of 21-42.

61-62: Arcane Wagon Works:

Your forces have gained access to one of the renowned wagon works of Xintil, enabling more complex construction of arcane war wagons.

In Step 3 of the aftermath sequence, you can pick 1 Luminark of Hysh unit on your order of battle to be sent to this territory for modifications.  Roll a dice, on a 1, the attempted arcane modifications have failed. This unit may not attempt a modification again during the rest of the campaign . On a 2+ the unit is successfully modified. Adding the following attack profile to the Searing Beam of Light Weapon.

Fractured Beam: Range: 15" Attacks 3. Do not use the attack sequence for an attack made with the model's Fractured Beam. Instead pick 1 unit within 15" of the model. Roll a dice for each attack. For each roll that is equal or greater than the Searing Beam of Light value shown on this model's damage table, that unit suffers D3 mortal wounds. A Luminark of Hysh unit must choose between this attack and the Searing Beam of Light attack.

10 GP to Upgrade: Enhanced Aetherquartz: When you modify a Luminark of Hysh unit, you may choose between the Fractured Beam modification and the following ability. A Luminark of Hysh unit may only have 1 modifcation.

Enhanced Aura of Protection: Change the Aura of Protection ability to include rolls of a 5+ and 6+ negate wounds and mortal wounds.

63-64: Aelven Library:

This territory is home to a group of Aelven mages who agree to teach you. 

1 Collegiate Arcane Wizard may attempt to cast and dispel 1 additional spell per turn (to a maximum of 2). 

15 GP to Upgrade: Aelven Tutors: 2 Collegiate Arcane Wizards may attempt to cast and dispel 1 additional spell per turn (to a maximum of 2)

65-66: Xintil Dormitory:

Improved accommodations have enticed local mages to join your cause. 

Reduce the cost of adding a Collegiate Arcane unit to your Order of Battle by 1 GP.

15 GP to Upgrade: Bunk Beds: Reduce the cost of adding a Collegiate Arcane unit to your Order of Battle by 2.

Heroic Upgrades

Upgraded Warscroll

Required Warscroll

Required Renown Points

Glory Points Cost

Freeguild General on Aelven Steed*

Freeguild General



Luminark of Hysh with White Battlemage

Battlemage from Hysh



Xintil Conclave*

Battlemage from Hysh



* Both the Freeguild General on Aelven Steed and Xintil Conclave are unique units to Settler’s Gain. You can find these warscrolls below.

Now if I could only find someone to test this out against in a Path to Glory campaign. 

March of the Red Comet (Cites of Sigmar Path to Glory, a narrative report)

Narrative Battle Recap Fredrik Thunderblown surveyed the battlefield, dozens of men from the March of the Red Comet lay groaning in agony am...