Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Another Spell Bites the Dust

 Last week, I watched the Queen Sing Along on TV. One of the songs they played was "Another One Bites the Dust". Hearing this song intersected pretty much perfectly with an army idea that had been kicking around my head for a bit, Spell Hunters/Wranglers.

This idea has been percolating for a while, energized by a short story I read in one of the Inferno short story collections from Black Library (Inferno 4, I think) where some Freeguild spell hunters meet up with a dwarf spell hunter as well. I think they caught a burning head, it was quite good! The idea got brought back up when the ven Denst models were revealed with their anti spell abilities. 

Starting this army idea off with the Denst's, we get 2 heroes in the army and some good theme ideas for some infantry troops. 

Starting with Galen's model, we have a sword, pistol, backpack, boots, and long overcoat. Since the idea is spell hunters, this type of clothing and gear makes sense for troops out on a campaign or adventure to find some spells and put them down. The recent veteran guardsmen that come in the Octavius Kill team box have a lot of the same visual clues as the ven Densts.The backpacks and great coats are particular great to carry over this theme. Switching out the weapons and heads with Freeguild guard bits and maybe some Freeguild Pistolier weapons gives these models a great look of being out on campaign for a long time while creating an AOS feel. 
For these guardsmen conversions, there are a couple more difficult poses when it comes to conversions. The ones kneeling don't really translate well to sword and shield troops but could serve as the command models with some pointing arms, flags, or other bits making it looking like they are using a compass to find directions. The Luminark/Hurricanum kit has some of these hand bits that would work well. 

Doralia ven Denst has a crossbow, so lets theme a ranged infantry unit off of her. Looking for some more long coats or greatcoats led me to the Delaque gang from Necromunda. They have some sci-fi bits but most of that could be clipped or cut off.   Using either Freeguild crossbows or Sisters of the Watch weapons and Luminark crew heads should give this unit a look that pulls from Doralia with the long coats and weapons while also looking like they are some sort of minor wizards or scholars. The magical bows could be used if you are looking for a more magical looking unit, maybe using their limited spell power/knowledge to make magic arrows. I do have some concern over the arm bits fitting as I haven't worked with this models. 
That gives us two infantry units to go along with our two heroes. Next we need something for the captured spells to be transported in or held in until they are brought back to a collegiate arcane headquarters or something of that sort. Using the Luminark kit as the base, I switched out the top laser scope thing for a couple of options. First up is a warpstone bit from the Skaven cannon and then some of the bits from Skaven endless spells to make it look like there is magical energy coming out of the stone.  
The second idea just changes out the top piece for one of the Luminark endless spell gems. I like the second idea better, showing a floating crystal radiating some magical energy as well. For this one, I'd add some chains around it, showing that it is attached to the cart and would otherwise float off or escape on it's own.

This army idea needs at least one more unit, maybe some cavalry? The gryph-chargers/hounds pulling the new Stormcast chariot might be good mounts. They are sort of horse sized and already have a saddle. Maybe the dark rider bodies with Freeguild heads could go on top of them. You'd need 3 chariot kits to get enough mounts for 5 cavalry but it maybe it would give the appearance that the expedition is approved or sanctioned by Azyrheim and the mounts were a gift.

At the end of the, the best part of this army idea is probably coming coming up to the game table blasting Queen's "Another One Bites the Dust". I mean look at this model, and then just change a few of the words. 

She walks warily down the street 
With her brim pulled way down low
Ain't no sound but the sound of her feet
Crossbows ready to go
Are you ready hey are you ready for this?
Are you hanging on the edge of your seat?
Out of the doorway the spell fires rip
To the sound of the beat yeah
Another one bites the dust
Another one bites the dust
And another one gone and another one gone
Another one bites the dust
Hey I'm gonna get you too
Another one bites the dust

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